Save the Rainforests and
their endangered species

project will take place on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia, on Lake Toba.
Building the reserve on Lake Toba will providing a suitable water supply for
the reserve, therefore it is a very suitable place to build the reserve.
Indonesia has some of the highest levels
of bio diversity in the world. Indonesia supports 12% of mammal species, 10% of
percent of plant species, and 17% of bird species known to man in the world,
and it only holds 1% of land on earth. For these reasons, this project means a
lot to me, but more importantly in means the survival of all the animal and
plant inhabitants of Indonesia. If we act soon, we will be able to save much of
the wildlife that currently inhabits Indonesia, because of this, I feel very
oblique to protect these species. My goal is to stop the destroying of habitats
in Indonesia, and to sustain the wildlife that inhabits Indonesia, in order to save this big piece of earth's environment.
Critical Need

This project will greatly affect this planet.
For one, it will sustain the wildlife and the biodiversity of Indonesia, which
is an important part of the Indonesian culture, and protecting the environment is very important to many people. Secondly, it will protect the
resources that Indonesia’s forests hold, and will therefore ensure that we
don’t use up most of their resources and be left with no resources let to draw
from; this is very important seeing as we really in earth’s biodiversity for
our continued survival.
I plan on running this project from January 2014- January 2015. Also, this project is BIG so we’ll need funding. One of the project’s providers of funds, the Indonesia Rainforest Foundation, is very keen on supporting this project as much as they can. They care a great deal about Indonesia’s forest seeing as it is their mission to protect the wonderful forests that inhabit Indonesia. My second provider of funds is RAN (Rainforest Animal Network). This project also means a lot to them, they already have an article about the forests in Indonesia and how Indonesia’s biodiversity is suffering sue to deforestation.
Project costs
will go towards creating the legal framework to create and maintain the reserve
will go towards creating the reserve: putting up signs ($1000), putting up
boundaries for the reserve ($1000), and making the land suitable + any other
costs that come up in the creating of the reserve ($2000)
will go towards providing services such as putting up a tourist building
($13000), training the locals to give tours ($2000), and other ecosystem
services ($10000)
will go towards buying land to build the reserve
Indonesia is a country made up of 17 508
islands, and is located south-east of Vietnam and north-west of Australia (in
between the two). Indonesia has a presidential system of government (elected
political members). Also, orangutans, such as the ones in Indonesia, are very
close relatives of humans and share 97% of our dna; do we really want to make
these animals suffer for our greed?
Bio/ Personal Info
I am
14 years old and currently attending Bill Crothers Secondary School. I care
about the environment and very much appreciate the beauty of it. I am very
involved in sports, my main sport being judo, and it has taught me to be determined,
motivated, and confident. I am currently on the Ontario Judo Team and have
competed at the Canadian Judo National for the last 2 years. Also, going to a
sports school has made me understand the value of teamwork and what you can
accomplish with it. My lifetime goals are to medal at the Olympics for judo and
to become a Sports medicine doctor, or a Chiropractor. But above all, I am a
hard-working, responsible student who wants to make a difference for the
Works Cited
"Indonesia's Rainforests: Biodiversity and Endangered
Species." Rainforest Action Network. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2013.
"Indonesia." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Nov. 2013. Web. 23 Nov. 2013.
"Indonesia." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Nov. 2013. Web. 23 Nov. 2013.
"Pucara Community Cloud Forest Reserve by Lynda McCallum - The G
Project." Pucara Community Cloud Forest Reserve by Lynda McCallum - The
G Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2013.
"REPLANT THE RAINFOREST." Indonesian Rainforest Foundation
RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2013.
Your blog is very well written and impacted with detail, what every blog needs to be exceptional. Your blog tells the reader what you are striving to do in order to help the project and how it will be done. The impact that it will have on others is satisfying and critical to all the wildlife in Indonesia. Well done Brandon.
ReplyDeleteOverall, this was a great blog from start to finish. Telling by your sentence structure and tone in your blog, I understand that you have a large amount of background knowledge on this topic. You were able to tell me why this project would solve the issue. Despite the few noticeable grammar and spelling mistakes, i think you did a great job.
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of good information in your blog, there are a few spelling errors, but overall it's good and in a well presented manner. You did a lot of research and that is reflected in your blog.