Safe Sex in Benin
Category: Equity
Living in Canada is a very big privilege considering the safety, the health care and the education. Many people in Canada are healthy, educated and safe to do what they please. In Bori, Benin these privileges are not available to many people. The minimal amount of education given to people in Bori has resulted in many people sick with HIV and AIDS. 1051 women that had sexual intercourse in their life were surveyed. 95.2% of those women had multiple sexual partners and 68.8% of the women practiced unprotected sex regularly. There is also the danger of getting sexually assaulted. Both unprotected sex and rape are ways to spread Sexually Transmitted Infections rapidly. When one of these infected woman have a baby, they also have a likely possibility of contracting the infection that the mother has. This tragic result of this virus will make the child grow up with all the side effects of the infection, which could also include death. My intentions of this project is to help people live safer, healthier lives while informing communities the danger of unprotected sex. I will be building a health clinic that has free condoms available. I will also hand out as many free condoms to the community as I can. Help support this project for you will be helping keep many women, men and children safe from infections. You have the power to give these people a chance to a healthier, more educated and safer life.
Health Clinic in Bori, Benin
The health clinic I am planning on building in Bori will have many free available condoms as well as pharmacists in order to inform citizens about safe sex and the risks of unprotected sex. Many people in Benin are practicing unsafe sex and are spreading rapidly through more unsafe sex and children born from infected women. With more and more becoming informed of the clinic, my goal is to minimize the risk of the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Each pharmacist is going to have a full education of sexually transmitted diseases and will each get paid for their work at the clinic. Other than the pharmacists there will also be the volunteers from this project coming in from Canada. There will also be a training program for all volunteers in order to teach them of all STIs and safe sex methods. With all these professional workers and well trained volunteers, the clinic will be a great success.


Benefit on a World Scale
After the project has been in affect, the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection such as HIV and AIDs will lower and will soon affect the whole country. This message of information will spread through family and friends and soon to other countries. There will also be other areas of the world inspired to keep the communities safe and healthy by giving away free condoms. It will benefit the world the world by keeping people safe from infections and practice safe sex. This will especially be good for people with multiple sexual partners by protecting themselves from unknown infections people have. Other countries will also be inspired to inform their communities about STIs and safer ways to have sex. They will also notice the decreasing statistics in the amount of infected people in the country. These healthier statistics will also attract tourists to many different countries that take action to make their country a safe sex supporter. This could bring many opportunities to improve the country and the living quality for everyone.
This project is going to start on January 1st, 2014, with 6 months given in order to plan and organize with volunteers and supplies. On June 1st, 2014, the building of the clinic will start being built and many volunteers will be involved with the construction. The planned finishing date is January 1st, 2015, with all the supplies already at the clinic and the workers/ volunteers determined to work at the clinic.
One Condoms:
One Condoms is a company of strong and sturdy condoms that supports safe sex. One Condoms have already started projects of their own in many countries and would like to donate as many condoms as we desire. They are aware of the issue in many countries and would love to help our project in any way in order to support the goal. They would also send their own volunteers to help out with the give away of free condoms as well as informing communities of sexually transmitted diseases.
The Weeknd:
The Weeknd is a well known music artist that has made a lot of popular music. This artist is a huge safe sex supporter and would donate most of the money to fund this project. This project will give him good popularity and a good name to supporting good causes. His donations will help hire pharmacists and build the clinic on time as well as fund the supplies. The Weeknd is also a partner of One Condoms therefore getting more cooperation from both of them.
Start Up Cost: $1,000
Condom Cost: FREE
Medication Cost: $1,000,000
Cost to Hire Workers: $1,000,000
Cost to Build Clinic: $1,000,000
Total Cost For Project: $3,001,000
About The Project Manager
My name is Jeremy Burbano and I'm 15 years old. I go to Bill Crothers Secondary School and play lacrosse there and for a rep league. I am very fortunate to live in Canada and to have the opportunities and privileges that I have. This country has many places and options to go to for education, health care, and safety. The reason for starting this project is because, at my school, there are many students that are informed about safe sex and the risks of sexually transmitted infections. There are also many places that are available to many for a chance to get free condoms in order to practice safe sex. When i learned about the amount of women and men in Bori, Benin with STIs, it made me want to help in any way possible. The people there aren't as lucky as me, so I found a way to pass on the advantages I have in a way to inform and keep the people in Bori safe and healthy. This project will be a great success with all the supporters and donations given. Thank you for your interest in support, this project will be a great success.
- Jeremy Burbano
"Benin." Benin. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2013.
"Benin : HIV/AIDS." World Life Expectancy. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2013.
"Comprehensive, Up-to-date Information on HIV/AIDS Treatment, Prevention, and Policy from the University of California San Francisco." Benin. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2013.
"One Condoms® : Become One." One Condoms® : Become One. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2013.
This blog is very well done! The amount of information and statistics is outstanding and it really shows that you put a lot of time and effort into it. You really went beyond what was required and dug deeper into the situation. I think you really stressed the situation and made it clear of how critical it is to work on it and how it will make the world a better place. Also, it's nice that you used the Weeknd as someone to fund it because he's different than other fundraisers. The only thing is that you should avoid repeating yourself, but other than that it was well done and you did a great job!
ReplyDeleteYour blog is written very well! Your title catches the eye of the reader making them want to continue reading. Your pictures make a point about the issues and so do your statistics. Your knowledge on the problem is shown though your amount of info. Your blog is promoting a great cause good job!!
ReplyDeleteThis blog was written very well and looked like you put a lot of time and effort into it. All the stats and visuals tied together and really made the blog that much more enjoyable. Looked like you knew what to do and put all the elements into the work you have done. It was overall a reading that I had enjoyed. Great Job!