Try thinking of a world without rain forests or without trees and forest in general, pretty hard isn't it? Well that's what's going to happen soon if we don't stop what's happening in Quiandeza Brazil. My goal is to go to brazil and educate all of the tree cutters there so that instead of clear cutting they do something more sustainable. More then half of the earths rain forests have already been lost forever because of the clear cutting that has been happening. The human demand for wood and land has gotten out of control and has put our forests in danger. Rain forests that once grew in over 14% of the land are now only 6% which is a huge drop and if this continues we could lose these forests forever. If we lose the rain forests in brazil, then it isn't long that the developers and tree cutters will come to Canada and other places around the world because they will have cut down all the forests in Brazil and will be looking for other forests. If we can stop the people from clear cutting and educate them to do something more sustainable, this will prevent us from losing all our trees. For example if they plant a new tree for every three they cut down.

If we stop clear cutting the forests in brazil, then it will benefit the whole world because if we cant stop them in brazil then we wont be able to stop them at all. They will move from place to place destroying the habitat and land until the whole world is ruined. But if we can get the tree cutters to start cutting the trees at a more sustainable rate and method then we will be able to save the forests for many generations to come. It is important for us to save the rainforest because rainforests are often called the lungs of the planet for their role in absorbing carbon dioxide, and producing oxygen, upon which all animals depend for survival. Rainforests also stabilize climate, house incredible amounts of plants and wildlife, and produce nourishing rainfall all around the planet.
I have already been to Quiandeua Brazil and I have seen how bad it is and that's why I believe we have to move in as soon as possible to stop the clear cutting because the sooner we get there the sooner we can save the forests. I think it will take us about 5 mouths to really make a statement there. I will contact places like Tim Horton's because they have already supported an organization like ours and also Home Depot because most of there products are made from wood so they wouldn't want to lose brazil either.
The prices here are estimated
plane ticket to brazil and home= 5000$
accommodation for the time were there=2500$
food and ground travel=3000$
If we can get them to harvest the trees instead of clear cutting then it will be more sustainable. Which will save the trees for many generations to come. My name is Geoff Adams and I am a 15 year old boy who lives in Aurora, Ontario.
I go to Bill Crothers Secondary School in Unionville, Ontario and I play football and rugby.
Your title is great, and really attracts the attention of the reader! Your pitch was very intriguing and persuaded me to keep reading. Great job! In your blog you mentioned that you have been to Brazil, explaining your experience and why you see that it is urgent to help may encourage people to help even more. Also, your according to the rubric your sources need to be in MLA format to get full marks.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog, it is very organized and simple. Good title and good amount of facts provided. Try and make the titles a little larger to stand out a little more. Overall it is a great blog.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog! Saving the trees is a very unique idea. Very straight forward, and to the point. It is a good idea, but how exactly do you expect to convince them to stop clear cutting? What will you spend your time doing at your destination? The fact that you will travel to a place you have already been is also very intelligent.