Wednesday 27 November 2013

Teaching Kids How To Play Soccer in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil




Watching soccer in Brazil is a tradition for the citizens. As you can see, soccer is the most famous sport in Brazil. Pele, arguably the greatest soccer player of all time, led Brazil to three champion ships and is the top scorer of all time in the sport. He is a great role model for kids who want to be like him and play soccer. That is why the goal for this project is to take a couple dozen volunteers to Rio De Janeiro to teach the kids their how to play soccer and one day make them become a better athlete. This project will allow kids of all ages to participate in a fun and safe in a controlled environment. This project will take place in Rio De Janeiro that has a population of over 6.3 million people. Rio De Janeiro also known as "Rio" is the second largest city in Brazil. This project will consist of 35 volunteers traveling to Rio to help build fields to play soccer as well as teaching them how to play the sport. The volunteers will be staying in a safe location with for and drinks for the 3 months that they will be there. There is going to be an inspector that will be coming by twice a month for 3 months to ensure that everything is going as planned and that the kids are learning to play soccer. This project means a lot to me because it makes me feel good knowing that I can help children that don't have the same privileges that we do by teaching them how to play soccer and to have fun while playing in a safe environment. 
Critical Need

The critical need is to get the children who play soccer in the middle of the streets so that they are out of danger. This project will allow kids of all ages to come and play and learn more about the sport by having a pro athlete to teach them some of the stuff that he has learned throughout his career and teach them to never give up on their dream. Brazil is the largest country in both South America and the Latin American region. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population. Some of the young kids in Brazil don't get the privilege to play in safe and controlled environments, so that's why we would go there to help bring the kids a better place to have fun and play while being safe. 
When the project is going on in Rio, there will be visitors travelling to Brazil who will notice that there are kids who are being helped and they might spread the word that there are people out there who actually care about the life of the others. This will allow us to travel to different countries to help teach kids different sports.
The project will be starting in early June 2014 and will end late August 2014. I have contacted the Forzani Group Foundation and I have asked them if they can provide financial support for my project. There will be a professional soccer player coming to the project who plays for the Brazilian team and said that he will be glad to donate his time and money to help these children in Rio. The starting price of the project will cost $75,000 for ensuring there will be a safe location with food and drinks for all of the volunteers.

30x soccer balls = $900

4x soccer nets = $1,200

80x uniforms (shirts, shorts, cleats) = $9,200

1x turf soccer field 
base preparation = $320,000
materials = $380,000
maintenance = $ 5,000 x 10 years = $50,000
total project = $761,300

Last Points 
This project needs 35 volunteers ranging in ages from 16 - 21. There is a safe environment for the volunteers to stay in with food and drinks. Children in Brazil play soccer in the middle of the streets and you can see that the kids portray skills for the professionals that they watch on the television.
About the author
I am a grade 10 student at Bill Crothers Secondary School. I play AA hockey for the Leaside Kings and I have been playing hockey for 9 years. I played soccer for 3 years in house league. My career path that I would like to go down is animation and graphics. I plan on going to Sheridan College for animation and graphics for video games. 
“fglsports”  flgsports   N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  24 Nov. 2013 
“sportcheck”  sportcheck    N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  24 Nov. 2013
“wikipedia”  Wikipedia   N.p.,  n.d.  Web.  24 Nov. 2013

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Uganda Education Project 

Category: Education


This project sounds like a way to get as many children educated as possible around the world. It looks like a good and interesting way to help. This Project will take place in the city and country of Pallisa, Uganda. Uganda is a poor developing country in the middle eastern of Africa. Most students in Uganda, ages 15 and over have learned how to read and write but the percentage of children in Uganda who get an education is 66.8%. 76.8% are male and 57.7% are female. This Project to me, means a fair bit. One reason why is because, I believe children all over the world should get a chance to learn and get an education so they can grow up with the knowledge that most people have from getting an education. One goal for this project is to get more and more children learning and getting an education. Another goal is to make sure students have the right and proper school equipment to learn. 

Critical Need: 
The reasons for this project are to show people how many people can't afford to get an education and how lucky we are. In Uganda, parents struggle to pay for textbooks, field trips, etc for their children. 

This project will benefit the world by showing that anyone can make a difference and that how grateful people around the world should be. It also benefits the children around the world that are given the chance to learn. 

This project would like to get started in September, 2014 - November, 2014. To help myself with organizing this project, i will find or bring any volunteers that would like to help out. These people would provide the funding of the project because funding for a good cause is something that can make a lot of people happy plus it is something many countries need. 

The costs of the supplies and equipment are calculated below:
100 textbooks = $7000 ($70 per textbook) 
200 school desks plus chair = $6000 ($30 per desk and chair)
5 chalkboards = $500 ($100 per chalkboard)
500 pencil cases with 20 pencils each = $4305 ($8.61 per case)
250 cases of markers = $1495 ($5.98 per case) 
The approximate cost for this project is around $20,000

Last Points: 
Uganda is the same size as Oregon State (Uganda Population = 35,873,253 people, Oregon Population = 3,871,859)
Soccer is the most popular sport in Uganda
There are 1061 species of birds in Uganda
My name is Austin Whelan and I attend Bill Crothers Secondary School and my favourite sports are Hockey and Baseball and I am starting a project in Uganda called "The Uganda Education Project". My goal is to get as many children a chance to get an education and learn properly with the proper equipment. 


Monday 25 November 2013

A Filter A Day Keeps The Doctor Away


Water is taken for granted, it is something our bodies cannot live without, and something we use everyday. Hydration, washing, cooking,

production of food, and energy all need water to be able to function. An American taking a five-minute shower uses more water than the average person in a developing country slum uses for an entire day. Some people cant live with themselves if they don't take a shower every day or night. To Americans, a shower is a shower, and a glass of tap water is "unsanitary." to someone in a developing country like Cambodia, that could be the difference between life and death. If we sent people who had a good understanding on the importance on consuming clean water daily to countries like Cambodia, that would make a huge difference. Cambodia is suffering wit poverty also, number of rural poor is 3,765,582.8, so even if clean water resources were available, very few could afford it. Nobody should have to suffer without things that most take for granted because they are limited to resources. Not only do these people have to suffer through drinking the dirty water, they have to suffer through any disease or infection they might get from it. There are 0.2 per 1000 people in Cambodia, personal computers per 100 people is 0, so they cant even look up how to help themselves. Water quality and consumption means a lot t me because as an athlete I know how important it is to drink water, if I could change just one persons life or even educate them on how to change their own, I will achieve a personal goal, because there are so many great people out there that don't get even close to what they deserve.

Critical Need

Cambodia is in dying need of help, only 18% of the population has access to sanitized facilities. Lack of access to clean water and sanitation kills children at a rate equivalent of a jumbo jet crashing every four hours. diseases and infections have increased because they cook, bathe and make bowel movements in the water they drink, so water filters are in critical need to help save some peoples lives. Today 1 child dies every 21 seconds from a water related disease. In 2009, this number was every 15 seconds. More than 3.4 million people die each year from water, sanitation, and hygiene-related causes. Nearly all deaths, 99 percent, occur in the developing world. Life expectancy is 61 years old, and when comparing this to Canada's life expectancy, which is 81, this is very low. One of Cambodia's major exports is Fisheries Products, which is greatly related to water, if the people keep on polluting the water, the population of fish will die off along with the humans, considering the lots of people rely on the income of their fishing, a loss of that resource would greatly damage their living habits and cause life threatening situations.


Majority of Cambodians are very happy people, I picture most children have smiles on their faces, and people who have gone to Cambodia have said that the children light up with joy and gratefulness when you give tem the smallest thing to take back to their families. If Cambodia gets the help they deserve, the world will be a better place, death and sickness rates with greatly decrease, and communities will grow stronger. If only a few families receive water filters and education, they will share their resources, Cambodians are not greedy or selfish, the community is a family, and they are all trying to beat their struggles together. But it is hard to succeed when no one has the proper knowledge or opportunities, children are forced to work endless hours to support their family and friends in need. And the women are always on there feet, walking far distances to get the cleanest water available, caring for children with sicknesses and infections that cant be cured due to lack of resources.In just one day, 200 million work hours are consumed by women collecting water for their families, this is equivalent to building 28 Empire State buildings each day.

Nestle Pure Life is helping with funds to get the project up and running, the have more than enough financial income to help support this cause and they also know from experience and other projects what is takes to turn a community around and set them in good direction. Also they have incredible experience on water quality and vitamins and minerals you need to live a healthy life. Nestle will also provide water supplements to boost blood sugars and to increase nutritional value. I chose Nestle Pure Life because Nestle already has  fair trade foundation and are very big on proper hydration and the importance on consuming natural spring water.  Our program will run for 7 months, April 19 2014 to November 19 2014.

Large filters for each home and individual water bottle filters will be provided, also we will be building a well that will produce clean water for each community. Large filters are approximately $80 a piece and we will be purchasing 150. Smaller water bottle filters are around $15 to $20 and we will be buying 300, and the well will cost approximately $7000 and we are putting in 2 wells. Also we will be providing products for proper sanitation, like soaps, sanitizers, disinfectant, water purifier, dish soap, shampoo, and oral hygiene products. all of that will cost around $4000. In total, the start up for this project is estimated at 38000, and extra $2000 is added on to the cost for thing needed along the way, like permits and such.

Final Points
It is estimated that in the 1980s a child died approximately every six seconds from diarrhea. In an orphanage 15 km west of Phnom Penh, in the beginning of this NGO's history, many children got sick due to poor quality drinking water. They then received enough donations from an organization in Canada, which allowed this organization to buy a water purification system, which has dramatically reduced the number of sick children.

About Me
My name is Lauren Butterworth, I am 15 years old and I go to Bill Crothers Secondary School. I am a hockey goaltender for the Markham Stouffville Intermediate A Stars. I live in Mount Albert, Ontario, about an hour and 15 minutes North of Toronto. I grew up in a large family of farmers, so environmental needs and crisis mean a lot to me because I know how important certain thing like water are to the entire world, and that nothing alive can live without water.

Soccer School for Impoverished and Talented Children in Brazil

              Soccer School For Impoverished and Talented Children in Brazil 


                         Category: Education



                      In the favelas of Brazil there are many children that face the daily struggles of drugs, alcohol gang violence, and brutal killings. Unfortunately some children are drawn to these activities due to them believing that this is the only way of life and survival. Soccer helps most children get away from this because all it takes is a ball to play. This project would give the opportunity of giving underprivileged and talented young children in Rio De Janiero a place to develop their soccer skills while also getting an education. The children would be playing Futsal, a type of soccer game that is played on a court with 5 players on each team. Playing on the small court helps develop a better touch and dribbling in tight spaces. These skills are essential if you are pursuing a career as a professional soccer player. This project would also help develop social skills, commitment, and dedication to improve on the field and in the classroom.

Critical Need: 

                     This project is essential because it will give an opportunity for children who live in poor areas such as the favelas to pursue a career as a professional soccer player or to get an education and become successful in the working society. This project also helps the children stay away from violence. Homicides have gone up 38.1 percent in the last twelve months and gang violence has spread rapidly throughout the favelas. Soccer and eduation is the only way that some children can escape these dangers.


                       I would like to start this project on December 11,2013 and end it on November 20, 2014. This project will also run through the Fifa World Cup 2014 in Brazil so that many visitors can visit and help this project. I have acquired the services of, Home Depot, and Nike to help build and construct this project.
                 is a large company that sells a variety of soccer merchandise via their website. has agreed to donate four official futsal goals as well as 20 official futsal balls and 20 regular soccer balls. They have also agreed to give training equipment as well.

Nike is the largest brand in the sports business. They have athletes such as Cristiano Ronaldo, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, and Brazil poster boy Neymar. Nike has agreed to donate uniforms for this program as well as futsal shoes and warm up jackets and pants.

  Home Depot is a North American retailer of home improvement and have agreed to create a staff that would build the Soccer School.

Equipment Cost:

                             Four Futsal Goals= $4000
                             40 Official Soccer Balls= $2000
                             Uniforms, Shoes, and Warm up Jackets and Pants = $10000
                             Total Amount= $16000

       Home Depot Staff:
                                        25 Workers= $100,000

 About The Blogger:

                                   My name is Raheem Taylor-Parkes and I currently attend Bill Crothers Secondary School in grade 10. I play soccer and my favorite teams are Arsenal of the English Premier League and the Brazil National Soccer Team.


                            "Crime Rockets in Rio De Janeiro Ahead of Brazil World Cup." Metro Crime Rockets in Rio De Janeiro Ahead of Brazil WorldCup Comments. Metro, 31 Oct. 2013. Web. 26 Nov. 2013.

Everyone Deserves an Education


My goal is to build a classroom for kids in the city of Debre Berhan in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is on the North East coast of Africa and has one of the world lowest literacy rates do to kids not being able to afford school. Debre Berhan is in central Ethiopia and is the smallest city in Ethiopia. If the countries younger generations can become more educated then GDP in Ethiopia will because there will be more job opportunities. Two goals from this project would be to give kids in Ethiopia the chance to learn and the second is to give children an education which they will need later on in life. 

Critical Needs

 In Ethiopia only 34% of children go to school and many only go 1-3 times a weeks. The country has a 42.7% literacy rate and children only have to school for an average of eight years, building a classroom will allow children the chance to stay in school longer than eight years.



This project will benefit the world because it will give underprivileged children in Ethiopia a learning opportunity. Hopefully by completing this project it will open the eyes of many to take inisative and help poverty stricken children have a chance to learn by building more classrooms in other counties where it is needed. Eventually this could be happing all over the world.   


I would like to start the project on July 1st 2014 and finish it on October 1st 2014. I have acquired the help of the Home Depot, Stapes and Air Canada to make it possible to make the classroom. They have all agreed because they believe this project is for a great cause and the town of Debre Berhan, Ethiopia will really benefit from a classroom.    

The Home Depot

The home Depot is a North American wide hardware store chain. The Home Depot has agreed to supply the building supplies needed in the construction of the classroom. They will also help with the blueprints and the creating of the Classroom. Along with supplies the Home Depot will send and pay for 30 workers and a Foremen to build the classroom.


Staples is a North American business depot. Staples will supply my classroom with supplies such as pencils and paper.

Air Canada

   Air Canada will supply flight to Ethiopia and back for all the workers.  


50 school desks= $9800 
20 2x8x10 dimension lumber=$193
2 tubs of concrete=$198
30 sheets of plywood=$356
Nails and screws = $1330
Other school supply's=$3000
 Total Amount = $14,877 


30 workers= $173,220
1 Foremen= $16,074

About The Blogger

I am 15 years old and attend Bill Crothers SS. I play hockey, soccer and football. My favorite teams are the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Pittsburgh Steelers. My favorite food is Steak and salad.


"Ethiopia" Index Mundi. Index Mundi 23 Nov. 2013. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.
"Ethiopia" Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Nov. 2013. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.
The Home Depot. The Home Depot 23 Nov. 2013. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.



Water Crisis in Gao Mali


The objective of this project is to provide clean and safe drinking water for the people of Gao Mali. We will be drilling holes in the ground and applying wells to ensure that the people get clean and safe drinking water. Gao is located in eastern Mali and on the eastern bank of the Niger river. Majority of the countries in Africa are developing nations and are at the lowest of lows when it comes to wealth; Mali is one of these countries. Mali is one of the poorest countries in the world without access to clean and safe water and without clean and safe water they are unable to take that first step out of poverty. The unemployment rate in Gao Mali is 30% and their literacy rate is at 34%. Like most countries in Africa people suffer from HIV/AIDS, Gao Mali has 4400 people die annually from this severe disease. On the other hand getting back to the water problem, about 5.6 people in Mali don't have access to clean and safe water that's over a third of the population of Mali. In addition to that 12 million people don't have access to decent sanitation; over 80% of the population. Over 15,000 children die every year caused a lack of clean water and sanitization. This project means a lot to me because people like us who live in developed countries and get access to clean water don't think about the people who are less fortunate than us like the people of Gao Mali. We take the access of clean water for granted and should be very thankful that we have safe drinking water. As well, I would like other people who don't get the opportunity to drink safe water on a daily basis, a chance to have clean water for the rest of their lives. One of my two goals for the project is to ensure that the people of Gao Mali have multiple water wells in the area so that they can drink safe and clean water and continue to get clean water from these wells in the future. The second goal is to teach the people of Gao how to put the well together, how to put it in the ground, and how to use the wells, just in case one of the wells starts to obtain dirty water or if the well brakes which is very unlikely.

Critical Need 

The reason why I started the project was because I was hearing that lots of people in Mali were dyeing because of water borne diseases due to the quality of the water, and I thought to myself that everyone in this world deserves clean and safe drinking water since it is very essential to our bodies. If citizens of developed countries get to have clean water why can't people of developing countries get clean water too? About 800 million people still don't have access to clean, safe drinking water while 2.5 billion people still don't use improved sanitization because they don't have access to sanitization systems. People shouldn't be without clean drinking water in todays society because of all the money in the economy and some of the money in the economy goes to worthless things such as song writers contracts.


By building wells in Mali it will not only benefit the people of Mali  but it will send a message to world saying that we can make a change on this water issue. It will inspire people to start or join an organization on this cause, if one organization can do it why cant the other ones as well? As organizations like this become more increasingly popular and bigger in number their can be a project in all the countries that don't have access to clean and safe drinking water as well as poor sanitization practices.


The project will begin March 21st 2025 - May 21st 2026 with the Water Project Organization, who inspects the quality of the water and installs wells in developing countries who don't have the access to clean and safe drinking water. They provide funding for this project because they have always encouraged people to create their own water projects so that more developing countries can always have an organization helping the water quality problem in their country, in my case I am just starting out so I contacted them and asked them if they would like to help my new project in Gao Mali, and they said yes. They always like to see new organizations trying to better the water quality problems in developing countries. In addition, the Water Project Organization is like the patriarch or grandfather of all water quality organizations, all the new or small water quality organizations look up to the Water Project Organization, and the Water Project Organization helps them because they have a lot of money in the organization to get them started up and running. As well, they realize that Mali is one of those countries that is the poorest of the poor and the water quality is the dirtiest of the dirty, so the Water Project Organization would like to contribute to the water problem that Mali is having and really get them to take that first step out of poverty. Subsequently, the Water Project Organization would realize that Mali does not have the materials or money to make a well so they would come with their equipment and my organizations equipment to install the wells for free.


- 10 Boremaster ZX - 1000 Drills = 20x5200.00= $52,000
- 10 Boremaster Hydraulic Rigs Packages= 10x16,464= $164,640
This is the cost of the equipment we are bringing over they are not paying for any of this because they are in need of clean water and cant afford these costs. So its free!
- As well, just building the well costs $7000, again that's going to be for free because its going towards a good cause.
1 ticket to Gao Mali = $1730

Last Points

Gao Mali is an extremely hot and humid country throughout most of the year and rarely gets any rain, hence their agriculture life is the base of their economy. The government in Mali is republic run by Oumar Tatum. The labour force in Mali is 80% agriculture and 20% industry and services, in the agriculture business they sell cotton as their number one export, as well as millet, rice, corn, vegetables, peanuts, cattle, sheep, and goats.

I am a 15 year old teenage boy that lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada attending Bill Crothers secondary School as a student athlete. I play hockey and occasionally rugby, I have made honour role ever since grade 7 and currently striving to get honour role in grade 10. One of my major goals as a globalized citizen is to help the people of Gao Mali with their water problem and try to encourage other people to fix water problems in other parts of Mali and around the world. Another goal of mine is to make my organization known world wide so citizens of the world can join me and my organization on our quest to teach the people of Gao Mali and all the countries with water problems just like Gao proper sanitization practices and to provide them with safe and clean drinking water through our well system in all parts of the world.


 "Mali Facts." , Facts about Mali. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.

 "Mali Water Project - Home." Mali Water Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.

"UnlockPotential." The Water Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.




Sunday 24 November 2013

Water For Life

Water For Life

Sunday November 24th 2013

 Written by: Jonathan Ang


Water is the gift of life. It has been said that a person can survive for a month without food but only a few days without water. We use water for just about everything, for drinking, cleaning, growing crops, for the animals, for industries and even just for fun. Rwanda has abundant rainfall and water resource almost a total of 5 billion cubic meters of water per year but yet there are many places in Rwanda that do not have accessibility to clean water. 76% of the people that live in the urban areas and 63% of the people that live in rural areas have access to safe water that leaves 24% in urban area and 37% of people in rural areas without access to clean drinking water. This project will take place in Kigali, a town in Rwanda. This is the largest town with a population of 745,261. With this project there are 2 goals to be achieved. One is to provide the community with clean water and the other is to educate the people to use this clean water to stay healthy, produce better crops and improve their economic status. This way we can help build a stronger, healthier community.
This project means a lot to me because I believe that no one needs to live harshly just because they have less accessibility to certain things in life especially to the most basic need like water.  I have realized that by helping I could make a difference and maybe even help save a life and this makes me feel good about the cause. Making an impact on someone’s life is one of the most important things to me.

            CRITICAL NEED

This is a much needed project because of the demand for clean water supply in Rwanda. It is indeed alarming to know that there is a lack of clean safe water. The life expectancy in Rwanda is only 56.73 years. This is low compared to other developed countries like Canada where the life expectancy is at 80.93 years. This is because people are drinking unsafe water and are dying from disease like cholera, typhoid and diarrhea.  There is an increase in childhood deaths. 1 in 5 children in Rwanda die just from diarrheal disease alone.  28 % of women and children have to walk over 2 hours to get water to bring it back to their community. The children spend so much time finding water; they do not have any time to go to school or to study. Only 27% of students pass the National School Comprehensive Exam. They lack the education and knowledge to
build a better life for them self.  The people in Rwanda grow their own food and 90% of the farmers in Rwanda depend on farming for income but with the lack of safe water the farmers are not able to water their crops and this affects crop production and the economy of the country. The lack of clean water has affected almost all aspect of their life.


A healthier Rwanda means a healthier world. Life expectancy will increase. Once Rwandans learn how to obtain clean water they can sustain themselves. There will be decreases in disease and deaths, they will need lesser medicine to keep healthy and heath cost will decrease. Babies can live longer. Life expectancy rate will increase. Once they can provide clean water for themselves they will learn to be more independent and will require lesser help for other nations to stay health and be more prosperous in their economy.

People in the world will learn about the project and will understand what is happening in Rwanda. They can help out with money donation or by volunteering their knowledge and time to help the less fortunate.  They will see what we are doing and this can influence others to volunteer or start their own project around the world. Countries can gain help that they need and this will improve their community greatly. Everyone in the world can work together to help each other regardless of race, religion or where you live


When:  April 1st 2014 till September 1st  2014.
The individual that will help provide us with the start of this project would be Wayne Gretzky. Wayne would provide the funding for this project because he has the financial means to do so,he believes in the cause and it is very important to him to help others. Wayne Gretzky has played the highest professional hockey you can and he was the best at what he did. He set all-time records that have not been broken to this day and if you ask any minor hockey player or any adult, they will know who he is because of his achievements. They have said that he was the greatest player to play in the national hockey league and if Wayne provided us with the funding, his name would travel across the world and people would know what he did. He is a very influential person. People would follow in his footsteps and will want to help out more.                   

This project is open to all especially the youth who are interested in helping build a well in Rwanda. Volunteers can help whether they are at home or if they decide to travel to Rwanda. Donation for money, time and knowledge is required.  Posters will be made and placed at school and every sports arena to attract volunteers. The people who get involved are those who will believe that they can make a difference by providing everyone with an equal opportunity to have clean  water which is the very basic need for life and to educate  the community on how to use water to stay healthy .

 With this project, we will build a hand pumped well . A new borehole will be drilled to about 90-150 ft. The hole will be cased and concrete will be poured around the base of the well to protect it.  A hand pump will then be attached. The community will be trained to operate the well and to maintain and take care of the well. One well can supply 100 families with clean water that is approximately 500 people.
1.       Cost estimate for each well is………………………………………….$ 10,000 x200
2.       Survey the land to find the best location for water before digging ……....$ 400
3.       Get permit from the government to dig the land……………………..….$ 100
4.       Purchase a drilling kit....……………………………………………….$ 5,500
5.       Bring in train people to supervise the project……………………...……$ 2,000
6.       Educate the community on how to maintain, repair the well and test the quality of the water...$ 500
7.       Teach sanitation, hygiene, hand washing, latrines use, irrigation ………....$ 1,500
8.    Food ($50 per person per day)..………………..………………..……$ 7,650

                Total cost to start this project will be $ 2,017,650


“Your ability to perform athletically can decline with a very small amount of dehydration; just losing 2% of your body weight in fluid can decrease performance by up to 25%.” 
This quote is by Amanda Carlson who is the director of performance nutrition for Athlete’s Performance and she trains many of the world’s top athletes.  It is important for athletes to be well hydrated so they can be stronger and can work out longer and more effectively.

  • ·         One to two hours before your workout, drink 15 to 20 ounces of water
  • ·         15 minutes before you begin, drink between 8 and 10 ounces of water
  • ·         During your workout, drink another 8 ounces every 15 minutes.

As an athlete, I am always drinking water to keep myself hydrated to better my performance. I take drinking clean water for granted and I find it difficult to imagine a community without clean water to drink.   


My name is Jonathan Ang and I am a 15 year old student at Bill Crothers Secondary school . I am passionate about hockey. I am currently playing for the Markham Waxers Minor Midget AAA and I plan on making it to the next level. I am aware of how fortunate I am to be given the privilege of playing this sport. I cannot imagine people especially kids not having the most basic need for living compared to the luxury that I have available to me. I want to help them and make a difference that will affect them in a positive way.

"Rwandan Water Crisis." Rwandans4Water. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2013."Rwanda - Water for Life." Water for Life Rwanda Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2013.
"Wells for Rwanda." The Water Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2013.

Equality & Freedom - A Roar For Help

Help Lions Resist Extinction

CATEGORY: Freedom & Equality


Lions being hunted for their bones has become a major issue over time. Around 10,000 years ago the Lion was the most wide spread large land mammal after humans. They covered the whole globe populating most of Africa, across Eurasia from western Europe to India, and in the Americas from the Yukon to Peru. Now there are less then 20,000 lions left in the world mainly occupying South Africa and barely a bit of Asia. I have created a project that will take place in Hoedspruit, South Africa (then switching locations to ones in more need) and will help preserve the Lions, rebuild their habitat and also protest against them being hunted. Through out this project we will create an environment for them to mate safely, increase their population and most importantly live longer. The male lion only lives to 14 years in today's day and era! We will also help take care of the cubs protecting them from any harm that may be caused by hunters or any other animal. This project is very important to me and means a lot. For me it's a way to make significant difference in the world about something I and hopefully the rest of the world cares about. Before the actual project begins we will be fundraising throughout Ontario in order to recruit members to the project and more money for a better and safer experience.  

A Roar... for help.

Critical Need and Impact

Lions are amazing creatures. Unfortunately there aren't going to be any left in the world as their population is quickly declining. Lions used to exist all around the world but today they rest in Africa and a tiny bit of Asia. I hope the day we have to go to a museum to show our kids what a Lion is never comes because it will be the most shameful thing in the world. Humans themselves killed the King of the Jungle, because of this the completion of this project will be a huge favor to the world and will go down in history. By finishing it we will preserve one of the most fascinating animals ever. It will have a huge impact on the animals, animal food chain and on us as well! Preserving the lions and assisting them in surviving will raise awareness about many other animals and soon we'll be much more alert and careful when it comes to animals. If the Lion were to go extinct the food cycle itself would slowly fall apart since Lions are at the top of the pyramid. Some species would flourish while some wouldn't which would destruct the environmental equilibrium. Eventually the cycle will fall apart taking everything with it... including us. Preserving lions will be helpful to us because we wouldn't be able to survive without them! As already explained Lions are at the top & everything in the cycle is important and needed.


  • This project will start August 2013.
  • This project will be going on continuously.
  • You may volunteer for 5 months at the max (continuously) but will have to take a 2 month break befre applying for a new spot. 
  • This project will be funded by Projects Abroad (they run international volunteer programs as well) and celebrity Katy Perry (she will also be promoting her new song "Roar".)
  • Fundraisers will also be running throughout Canada to raise awareness about our project and to receive donations.
  • I will require $100,000 to start up the project.
  •  $40,000 to purchase a very large area for the Lions
  •  $10,000 to install defenses and security to prevent hunters or other dangerous animals
  •  $10,000 to purchase meat and grazing animals for Lions. The meat will be used to directly feed them. The grazing animals like deer will be there for their physical activity
  • $20,000 will be used to purchase medicine for animals and volunteers if they are sick or injured
  • $15,000 will be used to install security and defenses for volunteers in case Lions react to foreigners dangerously
  • $5,000 will be used in animal defenses. In case an animal attacks the Lions or the Lions attempt to destroy volunteer safety, they will be shot with darts which will only cause them to sleep for a few hours.

Important Facts

  • For some odd reason lions are the only major animals that are not under protection from being hunted. This is probably a big reason why their population is declining.
  • African Lions are the most social big cats. They live in prides which consist up to 15 lions.
  • A Lions roar can be heard from 5 miles away
  • A Lion can run up to 50mph and leap up to 36 feet
  • A Lion may sleep up to 20 hours a day
  • Lions are the second largest cats. Tigers are the largest.
  • Lions were once found all around the world, now they rest in only Africa & a tiny bit of Asia
  • When a new male takes over a pride they usually kill the cubs. The females come into estrus and the new males sire new cubs.

About The Author

My name is Mohammed Ali. I am 15 years old and I am very fortunate attend Bill Crothers Secondary School. My goals is to graduate from high school with an average of 88% or over and to make a difference in the world... One that will be remembered forever

Work Cited:

"More Information on Lions." Information on the Lion, the Animal. N.p., 2011. Web. 25 Nov. 2013.

Janesson, Paul. "Lion Facts." Lion Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2013.

Travel, Marsea Nelson, WWF. "Ten Interesting Facts about Lions." World Wildlife

Fund, 29 June 2011. Web. 24 Nov. 2013

It's Not so "elementary" for the women of Afghanistan

Providing the women of Afghanistan with a proper education


 A project that focuses on equity


Human rights, more specifically, women’s rights are something us Canadians take for granted. In many other places of the world, it is a different story. Imagine living in a country where you weren’t allowed to leave you own house without permission, where you weren’t allowed to own your own property and where you were too scared to walk outside for fear of what might happen to you. This is what life is like for the women of Afghanistan, or at least it has been for the last 18 years. Me, and many other people around the world are working at altering this reality. I would like to help these women by providing a source of education for some girls, grades 1 through 8, living in Afghanistan today.

This project is about women’s rights in Afghanistan. I am hoping to soon build an all-girl’s school in the small but densely populated capitol, a place currently known as Kabul, Afghanistan.  I would like to also raise awareness about the issues regarding women’s rights in Afghanistan. The women of Afghanistan do not, and have never had the rights and freedoms that us women in Canada have today. Ever since the Taliban took over in 1996 the Afghan women have been restricted to almost being able to do nothing outside of their own homes. This includes not being able to leave their homes without a male family member, not being able to step outside showing any body part excluding their eyes and not being allowed to live alone. This means that they could not live without a male in the house. You can pretty much count out being allowed to work or attend school up until very recently where some women have been given the privilege to get jobs and receive an education. This is where building an all-girl’s school can really benefit the women of Afghanistan. Currently only 12% of women in Afghanistan are literate.  Over 4.2 million women in Afghanistan do not have access to an education.  Hopefully by building an all-girl’s school in Afghanistan, I can change that because I believe everybody should be able to get an education and live a long happy life in which they can support themselves.


Critical Need:

There are many reasons why Afghan women should have a chance to become educated. The first reason is to gain independence. As long as they stay uneducated, they will always depend on male family members to care for them and make their decisions for them. The next reason is that failing to educate the women of Afghanistan robs the country of half its resources.  If the education level of Afghanistan were to increase, the countries profits would increase. This is because the increase in jobs will increase the countries earnings and ultimately increase the country’s GDP. Lastly, women are routine victims of violence in Afghanistan. If they remain uneducated, this is unlikely to change.  Instead, the practice of hurting these women with force and violence will continue to seem normal.  Allowing this to continue has not only a negative effect on the women of Afghanistan, but also the country of Afghanistan. Poverty rates will continue to rise as many of these women have children and leave their homes with these children when they move out to get away from the abuse. Because they are not educated, they cannot receive jobs and they end up homeless with children to tend for. In order for this to change the percentage of women who are educated needs to change.  Between 2001 and 2010, the percentage or girls attending school has risen from virtually zero to 37%. Although that is a substantial increase, that number is still too low. I feel that building an all-girls school in Afghanistan will not only give them an education, but it will also give them the confidence and recognition that they do not receive in their everyday lives.




How will the world benefit from this?

If the women of Afghanistan become more educated the world will definitely be impacted. A higher literacy rate in Afghanistan won’t only affect their country. It will also affect all the surrounding countries and all the countries on peace keeping missions. One of the main reasons for refugees and peace keepers in Afghanistan are because the women aren’t educated or safe and the only way to be safe is to get out or to get help. Because these women aren’t educated they can’t get jobs therefor cannot get their own homes and this will not help get rid of the old customs (men would beat the women, they would have no say, etc…). If more women become educated, there will be fewer refugees in nearby countries and the peacekeepers will have less work to do.
If more women in Afghanistan became educated, this would give them opportunities to get jobs and this will raise the country’s GDP and ultimately help the global economy.  Afghanistan's poverty rate would also decrease and countries like Canada wouldn’t have to help out as much and could help out in other countries that desperately need our help. Furthermore, the higher the literacy rate is the lower the death rate will be because more people will have jobs and be able to sustain themselves and their families leaving less of a chance for them to end up on the street or starve to death.



Projected time period:  In order to build an 8 classroom school, it should take no longer than a year and a half if all goes as planned.

Start: January 2015

*note.  Materials will be delivered and set up will commence 2 months prior to projected start time.

Finish: July 2016

Building the school


The Home Depot: I am hoping to use The Home Depot as one of our main suppliers for the construction of the school. The Home Depot has a program called The Home Depot Foundation in which they give out up to 25,000 dollar grants to Canadian charities in order to build small-scale buildings. I am hoping to ask them for one of these grants so that we can buy the products and materials needed to finish this project.

Rona: I am hoping to use Rona as the other main supplier for the construction of the school. Although they do not have a program like The Home Depot, they do give out grants to people in need. I am hoping to reach out to them and explain to them what I am trying to do and hopefully they help me change the lives of the girls in Afghanistan.

Estimated cost:  $2,000,000

Furniture and equipment

Ikea: The Ikea Foundation is a program about empowering women and girls around the world who are not fortunate enough to receive a proper education. They have donated over 10 million dollars to empower women in Asia through education by providing for 840 scholarships and grants.

In addition, funding goes to programs that give women a better chance to contribute to the family income by having the skill set to receive jobs. I think this program would be perfect for what I am trying to do. I think Ikea would be more than willing to provide me with the grant I need in order to purchase the furniture needed for the children that are going to attend the school.

Chairs: 250 x $100 = $25,000

Desks: 250 x $150 = $37,500

Tables: 20 x $200 = $4,000

Carpets: 8 x $20 = $160

Shelves: 48 x $75 = $3,600

Cabinets: 20 x $150 = $3,000

Total: $73,260


Staples: I would like to go to staples as they carry office and school supplies that the children and teachers will need at the school. Staples has a program called The Staples Foundation. This program gives out grants to organizations and people that provide education to underprivileged kids. I would ask staples to give me a grant or a gift card to their store so that I can buy school supplies for the children and teachers.

White board: 8 x $100 = $800

Staplers: 8 x $20 = $160

Pencils: (10 pack): 75 x $5 = $375

Erasers: (10 pack): 75 x $5 = $375

Paper: (400 sheets lined):  24 x $4 = $96

Paper: (400 sheets blank): 24 x $4 = $96

Notebooks: (lined): 500 x $5 = $2,500

Notebooks: (grid): 250 x $5 = $1,250

Calculators: 250 x $10 = $2,500

Binders: 250 x $10 = $2,500

Computers: 8 x $1000 = $8,000

Printers: 8 x $200 = $1,600

Total: $20,252


Oxford: Oxford is a company that provides textbooks for schools. I would like to ask them to supply my school with the textbooks needed for their education.  I believe they will be willing to do this because they make educational books that are required in schools and hopefully once understanding what I am planning on doing, they will provide me with the books necessary for educating these children.



History: 250 x $80 = $20,000

Geography: 250 x $80 = $20,000

Science: 250 x $80 = $20,000

Languages: 250 x $80 = $20,000

Math: 250 x $80 = $20,000

Total: $100,000


Chapters: Finally I would go to chapters to buy books for the different classes in the school. The chapters “love of reading foundation” would be perfect for this as they provide books for underprivileged schools. I would purchase around $10,000 in books for the school and these books would be for class and the children’s leisure. This is essentially the library for the children, except the books are in each different class according to the level of reading the students are at.

Additional source: I would like to ask Oprah if she would donate money for this cause as she has already funded a school in South Africa called the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls. She has already done what I want to do, only in a different part of the world. I see her as a perfect candidate to be willing to donate some money to the cause.


Grand Total: $2,203,512



My name is Chloe Hampson and I am 15 years old. I am currently attending Bill Crothers Secondary School. I play Midget AA hockey for the North York Storm and I am very passionate about women's rights. I believe that everybody should have the rights and freedoms that I have. I really hope you will consider helping the women of Afghanistan because without us they have no one. I believe everybody should be able to receive an education so they can live their lives how they want to. I really hope I can help the women of Afghanistan achieve this by building the school in Kabul.

