Sunday 24 November 2013

Equality & Freedom - A Roar For Help

Help Lions Resist Extinction

CATEGORY: Freedom & Equality


Lions being hunted for their bones has become a major issue over time. Around 10,000 years ago the Lion was the most wide spread large land mammal after humans. They covered the whole globe populating most of Africa, across Eurasia from western Europe to India, and in the Americas from the Yukon to Peru. Now there are less then 20,000 lions left in the world mainly occupying South Africa and barely a bit of Asia. I have created a project that will take place in Hoedspruit, South Africa (then switching locations to ones in more need) and will help preserve the Lions, rebuild their habitat and also protest against them being hunted. Through out this project we will create an environment for them to mate safely, increase their population and most importantly live longer. The male lion only lives to 14 years in today's day and era! We will also help take care of the cubs protecting them from any harm that may be caused by hunters or any other animal. This project is very important to me and means a lot. For me it's a way to make significant difference in the world about something I and hopefully the rest of the world cares about. Before the actual project begins we will be fundraising throughout Ontario in order to recruit members to the project and more money for a better and safer experience.  

A Roar... for help.

Critical Need and Impact

Lions are amazing creatures. Unfortunately there aren't going to be any left in the world as their population is quickly declining. Lions used to exist all around the world but today they rest in Africa and a tiny bit of Asia. I hope the day we have to go to a museum to show our kids what a Lion is never comes because it will be the most shameful thing in the world. Humans themselves killed the King of the Jungle, because of this the completion of this project will be a huge favor to the world and will go down in history. By finishing it we will preserve one of the most fascinating animals ever. It will have a huge impact on the animals, animal food chain and on us as well! Preserving the lions and assisting them in surviving will raise awareness about many other animals and soon we'll be much more alert and careful when it comes to animals. If the Lion were to go extinct the food cycle itself would slowly fall apart since Lions are at the top of the pyramid. Some species would flourish while some wouldn't which would destruct the environmental equilibrium. Eventually the cycle will fall apart taking everything with it... including us. Preserving lions will be helpful to us because we wouldn't be able to survive without them! As already explained Lions are at the top & everything in the cycle is important and needed.


  • This project will start August 2013.
  • This project will be going on continuously.
  • You may volunteer for 5 months at the max (continuously) but will have to take a 2 month break befre applying for a new spot. 
  • This project will be funded by Projects Abroad (they run international volunteer programs as well) and celebrity Katy Perry (she will also be promoting her new song "Roar".)
  • Fundraisers will also be running throughout Canada to raise awareness about our project and to receive donations.
  • I will require $100,000 to start up the project.
  •  $40,000 to purchase a very large area for the Lions
  •  $10,000 to install defenses and security to prevent hunters or other dangerous animals
  •  $10,000 to purchase meat and grazing animals for Lions. The meat will be used to directly feed them. The grazing animals like deer will be there for their physical activity
  • $20,000 will be used to purchase medicine for animals and volunteers if they are sick or injured
  • $15,000 will be used to install security and defenses for volunteers in case Lions react to foreigners dangerously
  • $5,000 will be used in animal defenses. In case an animal attacks the Lions or the Lions attempt to destroy volunteer safety, they will be shot with darts which will only cause them to sleep for a few hours.

Important Facts

  • For some odd reason lions are the only major animals that are not under protection from being hunted. This is probably a big reason why their population is declining.
  • African Lions are the most social big cats. They live in prides which consist up to 15 lions.
  • A Lions roar can be heard from 5 miles away
  • A Lion can run up to 50mph and leap up to 36 feet
  • A Lion may sleep up to 20 hours a day
  • Lions are the second largest cats. Tigers are the largest.
  • Lions were once found all around the world, now they rest in only Africa & a tiny bit of Asia
  • When a new male takes over a pride they usually kill the cubs. The females come into estrus and the new males sire new cubs.

About The Author

My name is Mohammed Ali. I am 15 years old and I am very fortunate attend Bill Crothers Secondary School. My goals is to graduate from high school with an average of 88% or over and to make a difference in the world... One that will be remembered forever

Work Cited:

"More Information on Lions." Information on the Lion, the Animal. N.p., 2011. Web. 25 Nov. 2013.

Janesson, Paul. "Lion Facts." Lion Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2013.

Travel, Marsea Nelson, WWF. "Ten Interesting Facts about Lions." World Wildlife

Fund, 29 June 2011. Web. 24 Nov. 2013

1 comment:

  1. Very well written blog Mohammed! The overall construction of your information was great and I especially liked how you broke down the total cost to kick start your project into appropriate sections with their individual costs along with details as to where that money will be spent. One thing I would have to point out is that though your blog had a lot of info, it would greatly benefit from having more visual aids like pictures or graphs to catch the eyes of readers and to give them a visual picture of your topic. Apart from that, it was a great blog and very informative!
