Sunday 24 November 2013

Library Replenishment in Moore Oklahoma

Library Replenishment in Moore Oklahoma
By Chris Evans
Project Description
In this project, I will be replenishing libraries in Moore Oklahoma. This would fall under the categories of Education and Helping Communities.

On May 20, 2013 Moore Oklahoma was hit with a tornado. I hope to gather books to help replenish the libraries in two schools which were in the tornado’s path.
The tornado which ripped through Moore was an E5 tornado which heavily damaged Briarwood Elementary School and Plaza Towers Elementary school directly in its path. With winds reaching 340 km/h, 377 people were injured and 23 people were killed. Some students remained in the schools while the tornado removed walls and roofs. In dollar figures the damage was estimated at between $1 billion and $2 billion, but even worse was the impact on the community. Over 1100 homes were destroyed and 2 hubs of the community, Briarwood and Plaza Towers Elementary Schools were heavily damaged.
I love to read, and I believe that every child should get the chance to read. Due to the tornado many children in these areas won’t get the chance to enjoy books, as their Library has not been fixed. If I can donate books to these two schools more children in Moore Oklahoma will have a chance to enjoy reading.
I have 2 goals for this project. The first is to replenish the Libraries in both Briarwood and Plaza Towers Elementary Schools. The second is for the students to use these books for their education and pleasure reading. I hope that the impact of this project will be felt by the citizens of our community, as they will feel closer with the citizens of Moore, and that it will inspire the citizens of Moore to help another community in need in the future.
Briar Wood: After
Critical Need
I have a few reasons for starting this project. Moore Oklahoma was devastated by an E5 level tornado. With winds reaching 340km/h, 377 people were injured and 23 people were killed. In dollar figures the damage was estimated between 1 billion and 2 billion dollars, but even worse was the impact on the community. Over 1100 homes Ire destroyed and 2 hubs of the community, Briar Wood elementary school and Plaza Towers elementary school Ire heavily damaged. 
This project will have a few benefits to the world. For example, I hope it will bring our community closer to the community in Moore Oklahoma and inspire Moore’s citizens to help another community in need of help in the future.

Plaza Towers: Before and After

I will start this project on January 10th 2014 and end it on February 10th 2014. This will give me enough time to get things setup. Some businesses that will help me with the project are Chapters, Indigo, Penguin and FedEx. These companies would provide help with this project because it is a good cause and is something that they think is important, as they are around books all the time. Also, it will get word out that they care about the community.
Since the rebuilding of the school has already begun our project strictly focuses on replenishing the libraries.
I will need….

  • ·         150,000-250,000 dollars in books (which I hope will be donated by Chapters, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Penguin, Scholastic, Knoph, and Rand McNally.

  • ·         15,000-20,000 dollars for shipping costs (which I hope will be covered by FedEx, Canada Post, UPS, USAPS, and Purolator) 

Last Points
  • ·         for shipping costs I can get money from donations and fundraising
  • ·         the libraries could be used as lending libraries to promote children reading
  • ·         books could also be used as classroom tools
I am Chris Evans, I play baseball and hockey. I was an honour roll student last year and care about education. I am willing to help others to get academic successes. My goal is to get Moore Oklahoma’s 2 damaged schools library’s back up and running.
Works Cited
“2013 Moore tornado” Wikipedia. 11 Aug. 2013. Wikimedia Foundation. 10 Nov. 2013
“The Atlantic.” The Atlantic. 10 Nov. 2013
The G Project. “Ideas for Knowledge- The G Project.”  Ideas for Knowledge-The G Project- Powered by G Adventures. The G Project. 10 Nov. 2013


  1. Amazing blog Chris! I love how you incorporated a problem that was not from a third world country and found a solution. I also love how you put captions under your pictures so that we could relate the text to the image. If I had to nit-pick at anything in your blog, I would just say not to repeat information in the story so that the blog can be a bit more interesting. Also, the timeline for your project is too short. You would need to wait for the to rebuild the schools, as well as get the money and supplies from your sponsorship.

    Hope this helped!

  2. nice blog Chris I liked how you talked about the tornado and what happened to the town and how you didn't do such a main stream topic it was very well done but if you were to change one thing I would suggest to change how long you will be there for because I don't feel one month will be long enough

  3. Great blog! The pictures were great and the text was very well written! Also the timeline is too short and should be a little longer. Overall great blog.
