Monday 25 November 2013

Water Crisis in Gao Mali


The objective of this project is to provide clean and safe drinking water for the people of Gao Mali. We will be drilling holes in the ground and applying wells to ensure that the people get clean and safe drinking water. Gao is located in eastern Mali and on the eastern bank of the Niger river. Majority of the countries in Africa are developing nations and are at the lowest of lows when it comes to wealth; Mali is one of these countries. Mali is one of the poorest countries in the world without access to clean and safe water and without clean and safe water they are unable to take that first step out of poverty. The unemployment rate in Gao Mali is 30% and their literacy rate is at 34%. Like most countries in Africa people suffer from HIV/AIDS, Gao Mali has 4400 people die annually from this severe disease. On the other hand getting back to the water problem, about 5.6 people in Mali don't have access to clean and safe water that's over a third of the population of Mali. In addition to that 12 million people don't have access to decent sanitation; over 80% of the population. Over 15,000 children die every year caused a lack of clean water and sanitization. This project means a lot to me because people like us who live in developed countries and get access to clean water don't think about the people who are less fortunate than us like the people of Gao Mali. We take the access of clean water for granted and should be very thankful that we have safe drinking water. As well, I would like other people who don't get the opportunity to drink safe water on a daily basis, a chance to have clean water for the rest of their lives. One of my two goals for the project is to ensure that the people of Gao Mali have multiple water wells in the area so that they can drink safe and clean water and continue to get clean water from these wells in the future. The second goal is to teach the people of Gao how to put the well together, how to put it in the ground, and how to use the wells, just in case one of the wells starts to obtain dirty water or if the well brakes which is very unlikely.

Critical Need 

The reason why I started the project was because I was hearing that lots of people in Mali were dyeing because of water borne diseases due to the quality of the water, and I thought to myself that everyone in this world deserves clean and safe drinking water since it is very essential to our bodies. If citizens of developed countries get to have clean water why can't people of developing countries get clean water too? About 800 million people still don't have access to clean, safe drinking water while 2.5 billion people still don't use improved sanitization because they don't have access to sanitization systems. People shouldn't be without clean drinking water in todays society because of all the money in the economy and some of the money in the economy goes to worthless things such as song writers contracts.


By building wells in Mali it will not only benefit the people of Mali  but it will send a message to world saying that we can make a change on this water issue. It will inspire people to start or join an organization on this cause, if one organization can do it why cant the other ones as well? As organizations like this become more increasingly popular and bigger in number their can be a project in all the countries that don't have access to clean and safe drinking water as well as poor sanitization practices.


The project will begin March 21st 2025 - May 21st 2026 with the Water Project Organization, who inspects the quality of the water and installs wells in developing countries who don't have the access to clean and safe drinking water. They provide funding for this project because they have always encouraged people to create their own water projects so that more developing countries can always have an organization helping the water quality problem in their country, in my case I am just starting out so I contacted them and asked them if they would like to help my new project in Gao Mali, and they said yes. They always like to see new organizations trying to better the water quality problems in developing countries. In addition, the Water Project Organization is like the patriarch or grandfather of all water quality organizations, all the new or small water quality organizations look up to the Water Project Organization, and the Water Project Organization helps them because they have a lot of money in the organization to get them started up and running. As well, they realize that Mali is one of those countries that is the poorest of the poor and the water quality is the dirtiest of the dirty, so the Water Project Organization would like to contribute to the water problem that Mali is having and really get them to take that first step out of poverty. Subsequently, the Water Project Organization would realize that Mali does not have the materials or money to make a well so they would come with their equipment and my organizations equipment to install the wells for free.


- 10 Boremaster ZX - 1000 Drills = 20x5200.00= $52,000
- 10 Boremaster Hydraulic Rigs Packages= 10x16,464= $164,640
This is the cost of the equipment we are bringing over they are not paying for any of this because they are in need of clean water and cant afford these costs. So its free!
- As well, just building the well costs $7000, again that's going to be for free because its going towards a good cause.
1 ticket to Gao Mali = $1730

Last Points

Gao Mali is an extremely hot and humid country throughout most of the year and rarely gets any rain, hence their agriculture life is the base of their economy. The government in Mali is republic run by Oumar Tatum. The labour force in Mali is 80% agriculture and 20% industry and services, in the agriculture business they sell cotton as their number one export, as well as millet, rice, corn, vegetables, peanuts, cattle, sheep, and goats.

I am a 15 year old teenage boy that lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada attending Bill Crothers secondary School as a student athlete. I play hockey and occasionally rugby, I have made honour role ever since grade 7 and currently striving to get honour role in grade 10. One of my major goals as a globalized citizen is to help the people of Gao Mali with their water problem and try to encourage other people to fix water problems in other parts of Mali and around the world. Another goal of mine is to make my organization known world wide so citizens of the world can join me and my organization on our quest to teach the people of Gao Mali and all the countries with water problems just like Gao proper sanitization practices and to provide them with safe and clean drinking water through our well system in all parts of the world.


 "Mali Facts." , Facts about Mali. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.

 "Mali Water Project - Home." Mali Water Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.

"UnlockPotential." The Water Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013.





  1. Great job! Your paragraphs were very well written. All your sources were perfectly cited correctly. Nice pictures they related well to your paragraphs. I like how the price for the project wasn't ridiculous it was a reasonable price.Really enjoyed reading your blog!

  2. Outstanding job Christian! you had a lot of information as well as many statistics. your pictures were related to your topic and you used colour very effectively. i feel like i know very thoroughly about the water crisis in mali. next time you could put captions on your pictures, but overall great blog.

  3. Good Job! This is a great blog! Your pitch was very imformative and gave the reader a great understanding of the problems that Mali is facing today. There were a good amount of statistics that backed up everything you were saying. I think this was a great choice for a project but next time maybe you could talk more about the feasibility and what other companies/organizations could help you achieve your goal. Overall great job!
