Sunday 24 November 2013

A Better future for Ethiopian Children

A Better Future For Ethiopian Children

Today I have made a plan to change the lives of children in Ethiopian in a positive manner. There is many problems in Ethiopia like war, poverty, diseases and much more but I will be focusing on education because I think it can change the lives of the children of the future so they can make better and informed decisions. I know the classrooms have fifty to hundred kids in one class and they don't have the proper materials and equipment to have a learning experience.

Project Description
 My project is to make a classroom in Ethiopia and have all the materials like books, pencils, markers, blackboards, tables, chairs, erasers and much more so they can have the best learning experience they can have in Ethiopia. Looking at the statistics on Ethiopia's education, it shows that there isn't a complete education because of many reasons. The number one reason why Ethiopians kids and teens do not finish school is that they don't go to school so they can help there families in the time of need. They will do they by farming or construction work and do any type of work to earn money and get food. The second main reason is that they have a health concern like hiv/aids or they have a illness that they become very tired and sick. The third reason is because of the war in Ethiopia. This is a major concern because they can't leave their houses or safe areas otherwise they will be caught in-between gunfire. The literacy rate for males in 56.1 and the rate for females is 66.6. The education system in Ethiopia is similar to Canada's education system. They have to do 8 years of elementary school, two years of lower Secondary school (grade 9 and 10) and two years of higher secondary school (grade 11 and 12). There isn't a lot of Universities in Ethiopia but only the rich are allowed to go to university. This means after high school, they have to find a job with the qualifications you earn in high school. Making this project possible will mean a lot to me. It will show that a few people can change the lives of innocent kids who want to learn and better a man of their future. It means to me that I have done something good to well deserving kids and that I have accomplished something in life. The two major goals for this project is to built a classroom in Ethiopia and to make kids have a better learning experience instead of having a terrible or no experience at all.

There was many reasons why I started this project but this one reason motivated me and pushed me to make this plan and make a classroom in Ethiopia. This project has started because I know that Ethiopia has a bad education system (teachers, not enough supplies) and I wanted to change that. 60% of Ethiopians can not have a proper education because they do not have the proper tools to enhance their learning experience.

Impact and Feasibility
This project can benefit a lot of things and people in the world. This project can benefit the world because it can show that a couple of people can change the way kids in third war countries learn and make them have a better learning experience. It can also show other people to make the same decision as me to help kids that deserve better and that it isn't really as hard to.
This project has many dates when to start the process of making the classroom, and when the supplies come to the location where the classroom is located. This project is going to start on January 2nd, 2014 and end on July 30th, 2014. I have to contact some organizations that are willing to help me because its impossible for me to fund raise $34000 for setting up the classroom and the supplies that go inside the classroom. The business that is going to provide and help me throughout the project is going to be Ethiopia Humanitarian Aid-Save the Children. The reason why they will help and fund me for this project is because they are an organization that helps nutrimental and education in Ethiopia so since I am doing an education enhancement, they will help me. I will have 150 school desks ($30000), 300 pencils ($600), 5 blackboards ($1250), and 200 ($600) which comes a total of $32750.

My name is Ukean Muhunthan. Student athlete attending Bill Crothers Secondary School. I have been on multiple sports teams like soccer, basketball and volleyball. I have been the captain of the basketball team and I have been playing volleyball in a club team for 5 years. My goal is to become a Engineer or a Physiotherapist for athletes so I can travel the world and do my dream job at the same time. But sports wise, I love to play and watch football (soccer) and love to play volleyball.



  1. Great information and facts about your project. Good use of pictures and visuals to support your facts like the chart. May suggest editing your work for any spelling or grammatical errors and use more subheadings to organize your work.

  2. Great job with tying together all your information. You did a great job with making the whole thing flow and really had my attention the whole time. A few errors with spelling could have been avoided with some editing and organizing your work a little better could have made it that much better. Other than the few errors, it was an interesting read. Well Done.

  3. Your blog is well organized and I think that education is a very big deal in the youth of today. I liked how you used graphs and other visuals to captivate the attention of the reader. There are some grammatical errors in your blog but all in all, its still a great idea and your blog is very well done.
