Thursday 21 November 2013

Wells In Kenya

Category: Community

The Water project and I are going to be working together to bring clean water to Kenya. To raise money for this to work I will be asking Opera and Donald Trump to donate some money so that we can start working. We will be building 4 wells in Tana, Kenya which is a small village that could and would really benefit off these wells. I will also be asking for many volunteers to help with the building of the wells. Doing this for the village will provide clean water for the locales to get to put to what ever use that they want to. Hopefully with the wells that were installing it will help many people by living a cleaner life, and not getting sick from there drinking water. But better yet a happier life style.

This project means a lot to me because I feel that everybody should have the right to have clean water to drink, cook and wash in. I want to help Tana, Kenya right now because the people living there do not have clean water, and is that fair? So I want to change it so they do by putting in wells  so they can start to live a better life. My goals for this project are to install four wells and filtration system in the time I have. Another goal that I have in to make sure that in the end of all this the people in Tana, Kenya have clean water and better yet a mile on there face.

Critical Need 
The reason for starting this project is because i feel that it is unfair that the people in Tana, Kenya don't have clean drinking water. I want to make a difference there by developing this project that could keep people from getting sick and make sure they have clean drinking water always. Only around 20 percent of people have access to  clean drinking water so let make that number bigger by installing those well soon.

After this project is done it will benefit the world by providing the people in this village clean drinking water. this will also make them happier and better yet healthier people as well. Doing this for a poor country will look good on Canada for help them out by getting clean water.

I plan to built between the dates of January 2014 to t February 2015 to give u lots of time to do the job good. We will need support so I am going to ask Home Depot to supply any other parts we might need. I have already asked two great people for some money to help support this project financially.      
How much will the project cost?

1 Excavator = 35, 000
1 Bulldozer = 150, 000
4 Wells = 25, 000 
4 Filters = 150 

Grand Total = 210, 150 

Last Points
The Water Project has helped many small villages that are in need of clean water. They do a great job and one of the best if not the best company to do install the wells in poor countries. Tana the small village in Kenya is getting better and better every day. They have one well right now and are getting a seconded one soon. Unfortunately the people in this village only make about $1.50 a day this is not good but by the looks of it they will get better.

About the Blogger
Hi, i'm Matt Vonseefried and i am 15 years old. I play hockey and golf. I play for Georgina Blaze minor midget AA and golf at the Brairs Golf course. I also ski in the winter a well as snowmobile and ice fish. I currently am in grade 10 at Bill Crothers and like it a lot.

"The Water Project Tana, Kenya". Tana, Kenya. N.p., n.d. Wed. 21 Nov. 2013
"The Water Project Tana, Kenya". Tana, Kenya. N.p., n.d. Wed. 21 Nov. 2013



  1. This is a great blog Matt! Your topic is very relevant to the world issues, I love the pitch and critical need parts because you demonstrate a great background knowledge of the issue at hand. The impact would be huge for this project and using it in kenya would be fantastic, The construction of your blog is great, it is extremly easy to follow. Well done!

  2. This is a very well written blog. I think you effectively conveyed your message and it was pretty straightforward and condense. That being said, you don't have any references and you are also missing a period on the last sentence. I also think the blog could have been structured better, I think you merged some of the categories on our planner to much. Lastly, I think you could have some more facts, percentages, numbers, and such. All in all, it is clear that you have very well developed written skills and I think you made your point very well.

  3. I found this to be a fantastic read! A huge issue that needs to be more recognized. This is a great put together piece as I could not look away from reading this because i felt that your topic is something that not a lot of people would talk about. I appreciate the fact that you are taking on such a large project in the world such as The Water Project in Kenya, and I wish you the best of luck Matt!
