Friday 22 November 2013

Water Quality Situation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Filthy Water Cannot Be Washed

Category: Sustainable Community  

Pitch: By building wells and installing  filtration systems in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia it provides communities with clean and safe drinking water in their everyday life. This Project will take place in Ethiopia's capital city of Addis Ababa that has a population of over 3,384,569 million people. Ethiopia is one of Africa's most popular cultural destinations with the population of over 73 million people living there. The project will consist of volunteers going to Africa and installing wells and filtration system in communities that are in need. You will be staying in a nearby village and working around the small communities. I will be sending 5 volunteers every month for 1 year to ensure we can get all the essential systems and wells installed and the work that needs to be done to the communities involved.

This project means a lot to me because i feel that everybody has the right to have the ability to drink clean water. I want to help the people living in Addis Ababa by providing them with wells, and filtration systems so they can have the clean water that i have.  My goals for this project are to install as many wells, and filtration systems as I can afford in the time period that I'm in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Another goal i have is to ensure that i put a smile on as many family's as i can with just a little thing like clean and safe water.

Critical Need: The reason for starting this project is that i feel that if people in Africa don't get clean water then i can make that change by developing this project that could help and save a life. Only 24% of the population has access to drinking water, in spite of the large number of water resources available in the country, particularly in the subsoil, and only 13% have basic sanitation services.

Impact: Once this project is up and running this will start to benefit the world by providing country's that are in need of safe and clean water. Also the opportunity to have safe drinking water for the communities in Africa. This will not only help out Africa it ail help out Canada because this shows how much us Canadians take having safe and clean water for granted.

Feasibility: I plan to start this project in July 2014 and have the project run up to July 2015. I have asked Unicef to help support this project financially and United Rentals to provide the essential machinery needed. I have asked a professional athlete to donate funds and come down to Addis Ababa and see what we are going to accomplish in the long run. The Starting price of the project will be $200,000 to ensure we have the essential resources to get this started, and additional costs will be funded by Unicef.

How much Will this Project cost?

10x Wells = $70,000
10x Filters = $500
1 Small Bulldozer = $180,000
1 Medium Excavator = $40,000
Transportation = $20,000

Grand Total = $210,500

Last Points: Only 34% of the population has access to an improved water supply. 21% of the population has access to adequate sanitation services. 56 Million lack of safe water. 67 million have no sanitation services.

About Me: Hi, my name is Dante Sorrentino and I'm 15 years old. I currently attend Bill Crothers Secondary School and in grade 10. I play hockey for the Toronto Royals AA, I play lacrosse for the Caledon Bandits. I enjoy listening to music and playing video games. I live in Woodbridge, Ontario.

"An AMCOW Country Status Overview." N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2013.
"ETHIOPIA." N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2013.
"Ministry of Water & Energy of Ethiopia." N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2013


  1. This is a great blog Dante! Your topic is very relevant to the world issues, I love the pitch and critical need parts because you demonstrate a great background knowledge of the issue at hand and you have great statistics to prove what you said. The feasibility of your project is also very reasonable making it possible for any person the complete this project. Great Job!

  2. I found this to be a great read! A big issue that needs to be more recognized. This was great put together as I could not look away from computer screen! I appreciate the fact that you are taking on such a large issue, and I wish you the best of luck!

  3. This is a great pitch and a very large issue that you seem interested in wanting to fix. You had quite a few statistics that made me realize how big of an issue this was. The font colour and pictures also kept it interesting and overall it was a great blog! Good luck!

  4. I found this blog to be very interesting. This issue had very good statistics that made me realize how important it is for people to have clean water. The font and colour text was very interesting in a way that I enjoyed reading it. Overall great job and good luck with your mission.
