Sunday 24 November 2013

Breath of Reality

Category: Environmental 


Beijing, the capital city of China, is smothering under a cloud of pollution.  Joined by my team of volunteers, we want to raise awareness and educate the youth of today who live in Beijing, China. They will contribute to the solutions of tomorrow.

This issue is close to my heart.  Canadians are very fortunate to live in a country where playing outside is second nature.  We must not take this gift for granted and we must share with others less fortunate.

The population of Beijing is 20,693,000 which breaks down to 3,300 people per square mile.  Beijing is the second highest populated city in China and one of the most populated cities in the world. Providing power to this surplus population is one of the main causes of the city's pollution.  Factories working through the night to avoid government environmental regulation are also contributors.   The economy of Beijing is ranked the second highest in China.  The literacy rate is 91%.

Beijing has the money and the brain power required to affect change!  The goals of my team will be to come up with innovative, creative solutions in partnership with high school and university students who are experiencing the horrific conditions today.  The citizens of Beijing should not have to put on a mask before leaving their homes.  They should be free to open their doors and see the sunshine.

The goals of the project are to educate the students and raise awareness.  Small steps can have a huge impact.  The measures taken during the 2008 Olympics had far reaching positive benefits but more needs to be done.

Critical Need: 

This project was launched after a read an article in CNN stating  "Beijing announces emergency measures amid fog of pollution." The ability to breathe should not require emergency measures.

The effects of air pollution include health hazards such as lung cancer and heart disease.  Add to this the effects of air pollution to the environment, global warming and acid rain, and it drives home the point that the pollution in the air in Beijing has reached epic proportions.

We need to work with China.  Canadians are valued import and export partners and that is important to the Canadian economy.  In a trade mission held in 2012 Stephen Harper developed a new export agreement for Canadian uranium.  The deal states that Canadian uranium is used for nuclear power generation which will supply a cleaner source of energy to replace the coal plants that currently supply much of China's need for electricity.

On a personal note, when I was a child, my Christmas list was filled with toys made in China.  Now, I look forward to the latest technology and my future may see me driving a car from China.  I do not want the factories to close and I do want our country to continue to do business with China and so we must help them remain open.  


Ideas and practices generated from the "mind share" once proven successful will be shared with the world.  Beijing is not alone in their desperate need for help.  Other industrialized nations will benefit.  



Project launch will be April 2014 - May 2014.

Team will consist of 10 volunteers:

1  Team Leader
1  Filmmaker (document discussion, putting the plan to work and results)
4  Environmental Specialists
1  Chinese Translator
2 Research and Analysis
1  Documentation


Flights for 10 team members:                                   $1,500.00 per person (round trip)
Accommodation:                                                      Billet with students*
Computers and Software:                                         $1,000.00 per person
Office Space:                                                            $5,000.00 per month.
Transportation within Beijing:                                  $30.00 per day per person**
Food:                                                                        $50.00 per person per day

Total estimated cost for two months:                    $83,000

*  To reduce project costs, we would billet with local student families.  An invitation for them to come to Canada and witness our quality of life would be extended.
**This would include office space, furniture, a two bedroom apartment, utilities, local representation and an administrative person's salary.

Getting Started:  Who to turn to for help?

The Green Party is a global party with Green representation in 70 countries.  They work for equality in education and help to address over population.

The name David Suzuki and the need to save the environment will be linked together forever.  Global climate change is one of his main initiatives.  So much so that in an effort to reduce his own carbon footprint he appears by video conference and if travel is required he does it in groups.  David Suzuki has stopped travelling overseas on vacation.  These are the efforts of one man.  The possibilities are endless if we all examine our own carbon footprint and plan to change.

Final Words:

Beijing is a vital, growing city and needs our help to reduce the air pollution and make the city one that the citizens can be free to walk around and enjoy.  Children need to be able to play outside without the worry of disease and infection.  Mothers and Fathers need to encourage their children to go outside without wearing a mask.

My name is Brendan Browne and I am a Grade 10 honour student at Bill Crothers Secondary School.  I have a passion for sports with hockey and lacrosse ranking the highest.  There is nothing more special to me than my outdoor adventures.  Skating on ponds in the winter under a clear crisp blue sky and hiking beautiful trails in the summer are favourite memories.  My goal is to meet and brainstorm with students in Beijing who are around the same age and have similar interests and passions.  I want to make the planet one that will be safe and healthy for all who come after us.  It is often the little things that have the biggest impact.


"Geography of Beijing." Geography. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. <



  1. Your blog is very well done and I like your idea to educate people about the air pollution is Beijing. I like how you connected yourself to this, it made it more personal and it really drew me into how you felt about this issue. Your use of visuals are really good because they keep the readers attention throughout the blog. Well done

  2. nice blog browne I liked how you talked about educating the youth of today about pollution because some of them don't know about it also I liked all the information you had it was very helpful it was very well done but if you were to change one thing I would suggest to change how long you will be there for because I don't feel your timeline was long enough

  3. The title of this blog really caught my eye. Every point stated in this blog made me want to read on. I liked how all your pictures gave me mental image of the crisis while reading. I think this issue is very serious and I like how you are taking this topic seriously. Some things you could take into initiative for your next blog should be to try adding colours to your texts to add effect and attention to readers. Another thing to do for the future should be to add maybe 1 or 2 more pictures to portrait more of the message. Other than that I really enjoyed reading your blog and am wishing you best of luck with your project. Keep up the good work!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
