Sunday 24 November 2013

Hope for the kids of Uganda


New Schools In Uganda

CATEGORY: Education

Education for children in Uganda has been an issue for a very long time. These children live in a third world country were education is not there first priority. I have created a project and throughout this project I plan to build a small school to help kids get an education that will change there lives forever. The literacy rate in Uganda is 66.8% meaning 33.2% of these children will never be in school. Those kids have been taken away the opportunity of school and work. Throughout this project I will be building a large enough school to support 400 kids from grades 1-12. This school will be located in the small town of Pader, Uganda. What this project means to me is that I will be able to make a difference in many children's lives in this generation and in many more. Before commencing the actual project many fundraisers will be set up around Ontario in order to accumulate volunteers and donations for this project to be successful. 

Global Impact
By finishing this project we will help many kids get an education. This project will have a global impact as many children will get an overload of opportunities they never had before. More young adults will be able to work and maybe even go to post-secondary education. These children will become responsible citizens of our world today and will hopefully carry on the new tradition of helping the less fortunate. During the school periods these kids will learn some of the very important character traits we have in our everyday society; and will carry them out to the real world. I hope that once people hear about this project it will make them want to reach out and help many more kids, not just in  Uganda but all over the world.
  • This project will begin in may 2012 and will be finished by latest may 2015
  • I will be getting celebrity Ellen DeGeneres & the company UNICEF to fund my project
  • I will be setting up fundraisers all over Ontario for people to donate to the cause
  • In total the project will cost around $100,000 dollars
  • I will need $50,000 to cover the costs of building the school
  • I will need $10,000 to cover the costs of bringing in teachers and installing them in the new country
  • I will need $15,000 to cover the costs of school supplies (including desks, books, white boards, pencils)
  • I will need $5,000 to cover the costs of a play park for the kids to play in
  • I will need $20,000 to cover the costs of lunch meals for all the students

Ø  Part of the Nile River runs through Uganda.
Ø  English is the most common language in the city.
Ø  Uganda is known for their pineapples.
Ø  There are ~80 tribes in Uganda.
Ø  According to the Anglican Church (that we worked with), if your skirt is not down to your ankles then you are not born-again.
Ø  In Uganda we have been served lots of meat, which is a nice change from so many beans.  However, when they cook the meat (beef or goat) they just cut it up into large pieces and cook everything in one big stew.  Sometimes you don't know if you are eating meat, liver, intestines, stomach, tongue, or any other part of the animal because they waste nothing.
Ø  The average church service is ~4-6 hours.  (This is a little hard to get us too, the average attention span for my team is about 2 hours J)
Ø  Peanuts are called ground nuts.
Ø  When you ask where the toilet is they ask you if it is for a long-call or short-call, basically do you need to go #1 or #2.
Ø  We were told that for every tree that you cut down you have to plant three more.
Ø  Uganda has many banana plantations and you can make many products from bananas including banana wine.
      My name is Andrea Bobadilla. I am 15 years old and I attend Bill Crothers Secondary School. My goals in life are to make a difference in someone else's life and to be able to graduate from post-secondary school. I am a competitive swimmer and I intend to stay active all my life. MY school is one of two sports schools across Canada and I have been given the great opportunity to be a part of it. I hope to give children a chance as amazing as the one I have been given. When I am older I hope to become a foreign aid worker to help those whom need it. I hope after reading about this project you decided it is the right thing to do and either donate or volunteer to help the kids in Uganda.




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