Saturday 23 November 2013

Water For The Waterless

Bringing Clean Water Wells to Kakuma, Kenya

Sustainable Communities

Everyday somebody becomes ill from drinking dirty water, not because they did not know, but because they have no other source of water. Study shows that roughly 45% of the people in Kenya get sick from drinking dirty water. I plan on building clean water wells in Kakuma, Kenya. Kenya is one of the most struggling populations in the world so Kenya could not afford to have any more deaths from dirty water. Their population growth rate is 2.6%. They have been lacking clean water for decades. If I could help even just one town it would mean that I am making a difference and helping people have a clean water source,  after all majority of humans are made of water, without water we wouldn't be able to survive. I intend on quenching the thirst of many people in Kakuma and reducing the illness and death rate from drinking dirty water. 

Critical Need
Statistics show that that Kenya has a total population of roughly 40 million people, roughly 17 million of them don't have a source or clean water. That's almost 45% of the population! If I could bring 2 clean water wells to Kakuma I would be making a difference which is why I decided to execute this project. Think about it, when you are thirsty you don't need to worry about dying because you have all sorts of water supplies in your homes such as sinks, stalked fridges, hoses, water bottles etc… but in Kenya these people don't have the sources that we have. Now think about how it would feel to be thirsty for the rest of your lives trying everyday to find clean water. The reason I want to start this project is because everybody deserves to have clean water, nobody deserves to stay thirsty forever no matter who you are and what roles you have in society. 

If I successfully execute this project I forecast that the clean water in Kenya will be increased, the illnesses from the lack of clean water will be decreased, and the health care in Kenya will be given a small break of curing dirty water illnesses. This will all result in lowering the death rate in population and increase the total population. Although my project only contains 2 water wells in simply 1 town everything makes a difference. You need to become small before you can become big.     

Timeline: This project will begin on July 1st 2014 and will end on October 1st 2014 giving the job 3 months which i believe is more than enough time. 3 months gives each well 1 month for completion plus an additional month for inspections and accidental errors. 

Eades Well Drilling Inc.
Eades Well Drilling Inc. is a company originating from Lindsay ON that specializes in building water wells. They have funded a donation of building 2 water wells in Kakuma, Kenya which is an equivalent price of approximately $10000 ($5000 per water well). This includes drilling, materials, etc… They also use their own form of transportation to bring their equipment to Kakuma which is included in the donation fund of $10000. Since they originate out of Ontario it was easy to contact them. 

Air Canada
Air Canada is an airplane company originating from Toronto ON. They donated a plane ticket to Kenya and back because they want to be a part of this project by helping as much as they possibly can. I will deport from Pearson in Toronto. The cost for this plane flight would have been approximately $1500 if it wasn't for their generosity.  

Project Expenses

Building the well: $5000 X 2
Travelling: $1500

Total costs without sponsors: $11500
Total costs with sponsors: $0

Last Points
- a typical water well can be anywhere between 3 and 18 metres deep
- colloidal silver (which is what water wells use) kills bacteria and viruses with contact
- Kakuma has a population of approximately 37000 people

Get to Know Me
Name: Mark Bastianello
Age: 15
Grade: 10
Gender: male
School: Bill Crothers Secondary School
Hobbies & interests: playing sports such as hockey
Goals: One day play in the National Hockey League and make a difference in Kakuma, Kenya


Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit. (2005, August 17). Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit. Retrieved November 22, 2013, from

Welcome to Eades Well Drilling. (n.d.). Eades Well Drilling. Retrieved November 22, 2013, from

Water in Crisis - Kenya. (n.d.). The Water Project. Retrieved November 21, 2013, from


  1. Overall great job mark! I liked how you used a lot of statistics in the pitch to support your ideas and it helped make your message come across as one that is much in need. I also liked how you included a lot of pictures throughout your blog which helped betray your idea. Some things that could be improved on is to have a bigger font and colourful text to make the reader want to continue to read your blog. Great job.

  2. I found this to be a fantastic read! A huge issue that needs to be more recognized. This is a great put together piece as I could not look away from reading this because i felt that your topic something that not a lot of people would talk about. I appreciate the fact that you are taking on such a large issue in the world , and I wish you the best of luck Mark!

  3. Wow! When I saw I had to look at it. The title grabbed my attention and intrigued me to read more about your project. I believe that if you put your mind to it you can increase the clean water in Kenya. The statistics and ideas that you have brought forth will hopefully get the attention of more people to pitch in towards your project. Great blog.

  4. I found this very interesting that I wanted to keep reading. I really liked your title becuase it made me think about how life is without clean water. I apperciate that you are taking on a big issue and I hope you can get clean water for these people in Kakuma. Some things that can be improved is your font size and your choice of text colour. Good luck with this mission and overall great job Mark.
